Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Definition of a Point:
A point is a measure of performance used to evaluate the conduct and commitment of night monitors while providing curfew and safety watch services for student travelers. Points are assigned based on specific actions and behaviors outlined in this policy.
Single Points:
The following actions result in 1 point each:
Triple Points:
Certain actions significantly impact our customers and brand. The following actions result in 3 points each and trigger a disciplinary review:
Culture Fit:
Accumulating two points within your first three accepted assignments may prompt a disciplinary review for commitment and responsibility assessment.
Consequences of Reaching 3 Points:
Upon receiving three points, your Orange Moon account will be immediately suspended until resolution. Suspension bars you from new assignments, and we may also remove you from upcoming assignments. You have 72 hours to explain before a disciplinary review, which may result in deactivation from the network.
Point Duration and Removal:
Points are automatically removed every 30 days without further incidents. If another point is accrued within this period, the removal date resets.
Explaining Point Incidents:
We encourage open communication regarding point incidents. Share explanations and documentation with the Orange Moon admin team promptly to maintain active status in our network.
Rehire After 3 Points:
Depending on the reason, rehire eligibility may be granted 6 months after removal. Severe violations, like improper conduct, may lead to indefinite ineligibility.
Upcoming Assignments After 3 Points:
Upon reaching 3 points, upcoming assignments will be released for other monitors to claim.
Illness and Points:
Due to COVID-19, we remove late-drop points for illness with proper medical documentation. Points are incurred for missing or leaving assignments due to illness. Alert the admin team and provide documentation within 72 hours. Promptly drop assignments when ill.
Contact Information:
For further information, contact our Admin team at or 667-335-1058
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